Location: Japan

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

-How do you say "one" in Japanese? 
-And how do you say "person" in Japanese? 
-So, "one person" is "ichi hito"? 
-Uh, no, it's "hitori". 
-Oh, so when you count people, the counter becomes a suffix? Hito (person) + ri? Is that correct? Does "ri" also mean one? 
-Uh, no, the "hito" part of "hitori" means one. "Ri" is the "person" part when we write it in kanji. 
-How does that work? That's so confusing. If "ichi" means "one", and "hito" means "person", how can "hito" be "one"? 
-"Ichi" is the number one. If we are counting things, it's different. 
One person: hitori 
One animal:  ippiki 
One small round thing: ikko 
One flat thing:  ichi mai 
One big electronic thing:  ichi dai 
One thing in general: hitotsu 
One day:  ichi nichi 
One long thing:  ippon 
One book:  issatsu 
Nr. one/first:  ichiban
-Gee, that is so complicated. It makes no sense at all! 
-What about Icelandic? Do you know how many ways you have of saying "two" in that language? At least fourty two! 
-Yep, true. 
Two, masculin, sg.: tveir, tvo, tveimur, 
Two, masculin, pl: tvennir, tvenna, 
Two, feminin, sg: tvær, tveggja, 
Two, feminin, pl:  tvennar, tvennum, 
Two, neutral, sg: tvö, 
Two, neutral, pl: tvenn, tvennt, 
Two (types of): tvenns (konar), 
Nr. two/second, masculin, sg.: annar, öðrum, 
Nr. two/second, feminin, sg.: önnur, aðra, annarri, annarrar, 
Nr. two/second, neutral, sg.: annað, öðru, annars
-Wait, wait, wait... How can you have "two" in singular and plural?! 
-Nothing is impossible, as long as you wish for it hard enough. 
-Who ever wished for multiple numbers?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hitori misses Solveig :(

Thursday, February 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hitori toos ^^ (ha! tveir í fleirtölu á ensku)
okkar mismunur á orðum er samt auðskiljanlegri :P

Friday, February 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hann er auðskiljanlegur fyrir okkur, sem ölumst upp við hann. Munurinn á jaðönsku tölunum er auðskiljanlegur fyrir japana, en hugsaðu þér að vera hvorugt! Þaaað er ekki auðvelt líf ;)

Saturday, February 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, oops! I got the message that my request couldn't be fulfilled, so I went back and hit the publish-button again.

Saturday, February 23, 2008  
Blogger Solveig said...

It's 'kay. I deleted the other one, as you can see. ...or not o_0
Miss U toos too!

Saturday, March 08, 2008  

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