Location: Japan

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Presents

I got Christmas presents! (Can you say Yule presents?) First, two days ago, I got a package in my mail box, it came as a complete surprise, because I wasn't expecting anything. It made me so exited! It was from Vala ^^ and it had strict instructions not to open it until 18:00 on Christmas' Eve. Hehehe, I see you people don't trust me anymore, living in such a place like this :P ^^
Then, yesterday, I had something waiting for me in the mail box again. But this time, it was a slip of paper from the post office, telling me that they had tried to deliver a package to me earlier that day, but as I wasn't home, they took it back. On the paper, the following was the only information that I could read:
Addressee: Solveig,
Sender Kan Rahaii.
Ok, when I say I can read things, that does not mean I can understand them. Who the heck is Kan Rahaii?? Sounds Indian... It was written with letters that I understand, it was not in Japanese. But really, Kan Rahaii? I did wonder if it was supposed to be my dad's name, Kan being Karl, but how can you change Roth into Rahaii? Lower case th doesn't become haii just like that... Plus, as far as I knew, he hadn't sent me anything yet. So I was really curious!
The lady working at the security office at the time told me that I would have to call the post office and tell them when I would be home to receive the package. I think I must have made a face, because she then offered to do it for me, which I gladly accepted.
And today I was home when the phone rang, and a man's voice, introducing itself as the post office, told me that there was a package waiting for me downstairs.
So I ran downstairs.
And now I have more presents! I think I'm going to have to buy a Christmas tree for all these presents! :D
Btw, the wrapping was a bit torn, and I could see inside one of them! ^^
The funniest thing about getting presents from abroad is that everyone has to write what is in the parcel when they send it, and I can read it when I get it! Hehehe.
Aawww, no surprises at Christmas. :(

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't HAVE TO read the label with the contents of the package.

Friday, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég fékk líka pakka! Takk takk fyrir blöðin! Við Þórður vorum að skoða þau og vorum forviða. Var það ekki meininingin?

Friday, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.t.w. nice pics, love the series with the monkey and the...guy.... I wanna see pictures of you, not people that I don't know :( I know your mom agrees.

Friday, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said... we don't get to know who untill dec.24th? You better blog that same evening!!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha fyndið að það þurfi að skrifa á gjafirnar hvað er í þeim! :)

Friday, December 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kannski ég taki upp nýtt nafn. Kan Rahaii lúkkar svo vel.
Það er líka orðið svo langt síðan ég breytti um nafn síðast.

Monday, December 17, 2007  

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