Location: Japan

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm being mean to you

I was planning on being very positive in my second blog about my exchange program, and make APU look good to the kohai (younger students), but...

As I was sitting in my room, working on which classes to take this semester, the announcement bell rang. The announcement bell is a bell that goes ding dang ding dong before an announcement is made, first in Japanese, then English, then Chinese, then again in Japanese, and again in English, and once more in Chinese too. Then it goes ding dang ding dong again. And this is heard throughout the whole school, loud and clear.
As I was saying, I was studying the all the courses APU has to offer, because as an exchange student, I can take whatever courses I want to, no matter who they are aimed at, when the announcement bell rang. I looked up from my papers to listen when the English version came. It sounded somewhat like the this:
"To all students. Regarding an incident that happened thirty minutes ago with a knife, we ask you to stay in your rooms. If you need to go outside, do not go alone. Go at least two together for protection. According to a witness, the culprit was wearing dark sunglasses and a beige t-shirt. If you see him, do not go near him, as he may be dangerous, and let the nearest staff know."
Five minutes later, Nika called me to ask if I wanted to go out for a bite.
Around ten o'clock, the announcement bell rang again, telling us that the man who had attacked a student with a knife was still at large, and possibly still on campus. They told us to be very careful and stay close to the RAs (Residence Assistant) when we took out the trash. (Trash time is between 22 and 22.30.)
I am now sitting by my computer in my room with a bruise on my arm, a band-aid from the hospital, and a very red and itchy shoulder and back.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aðeins of mean. Ég varð skíthrædd. Er ekki örugglega allt í lagi með þig?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007  
Blogger Solveig said...

Æ, ég var að vona að ég næði að pósta næsta bloggi áður en þú sæir þetta. Jújú, allt í góðu, allt í fína.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Look into my eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into them, aaaand you're under...Skype is a good thing to keep contact with your friends in Iceland. It's not just another thing to remember login and password, it's brilliant!!! Aaaand your're back in the room..."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007  

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