Location: Japan

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Manga & Anime

Manga. Anime. *sigh*
The answer to the question I got in the comments to last blog is no. There is no manga or anime class in this university. There isn't even a literature class! I don't know what I am to do here. I can choose Contemporary Japanese Economics, but somehow, that doesn't really appeal to me.
The bad thing is that it does apply to me. I should take anything that has anything to do with Japan, and at the rate my application for classes is going, that will be the only class left for me to take. The classes I want to take, that are related to my major (Japanese Language and Culture), are all full; all seats taken. Or, like in the case of History, I probably can't take it because I already took a History course back in Iceland that was too similar. I am waiting for an answer about that from University of Iceland.
Oh, before I forget. The first manga I saw when I arrived to Japan was Fullmetal Alchemist 17!

There is a TV in every kitchen here, and there is a kitchen on every floor of the dormitory. Tonight was a special one hour episode of Naruto, Shippuuden on Tokyo TV channel. Too bad I'm not in Tokyo. But, oh well, maybe it is better to simply see it later, and with subtitles = understanding what is going on.
The TV cabinet on the first floor on the Right (AP House 2, Right wing), is full of scattered manga. Inu-Yasha and Video Girl something-else-than-Ai. On top of the TV is a glass box with Dragon Ball Z characters for show. I tried reading the manga when it was obvious that we would not be watching the Naruto Special (they're all special I tell you, all of the Shippuuden episodes!), but they were all in Japanese and numbered 23 and such, so I had absolutely no idea of what was going on. Then we found a Akira manga. They are big, and thick. But this one was also in Japanese. *one more sigh*
We watched this show instead about this little girl, in very yellow and very red clothes with bobbed hair, who wanted to meet her favorite singer. The famous singer was ofcourse an arse, so her dad ended up getting his friend to dress up like the singer, in a white overall, a white sweatband and long hair blowing in the wind and confetty flying around (they provided all of this), to appear in front of her window and sing to her, sometime late one night. It was quite obvious that this pudgy 40-something old man was not the young star he pretended to be, but it was dark, and he wore big sunglasses, and the little girl had the time of her life. Then the movie/episode was over.

I don't look forward to tidying up my desk, it's a mess.

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Blogger Ingvar said...

No worries, you're not alone, I just spent the evening watching people make Okonomiyake on TV, I'm starving now! Oh and the first Anime I saw was Tales from Earthsea, which I bought at the combini. Though I must admit that the weekly Shonen Jump is super cheap, 240yen for over 460 pages! Be sure not to miss out :D

PS. I need to find the missing FMA volumes before I go jump on Vol. 17, really tempted though...

Thursday, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

17!!! and here was I hopeing for an end :S ^^ but this just leaves me waiting even more and enjoying even more books to come! Sorry to hear you cant get any classes, that would have been to cool. But don´t worry, you´ll find something to enjoy out there!

Thursday, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Já, svekkjandi að þurfa að taka verslunarskóla í Japan. En það verður að gera fleira en gott þykir.

Af hverju taliði útlensku líka hér? Ég hélt að bloggið væri á ensku út af einhverjum sem vilja fylgjast með þér og kunna ekki íslensku. Ég er forviða að sjá völu, ingvar og skorra tala tungum við þig hér og þig við þau.

Thursday, September 27, 2007  
Blogger adda said...

Hæ Solveig.

Velkomin til Japan.
Ég kann ekki útlensku og skrifa því bara á ástkæra, ilhýra .......

Hugsa til þín :-)
adda frænka II. p

Thursday, September 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég skrifaði á ensku síðast vegna þess að ég var að vitna í karakter úr Little Britain :P

Sunday, September 30, 2007  

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