Location: Japan

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What do you want to know?

Napoleon Dynamite.
The first movie of the cinema club Bowling 4 Beppu was a fantastic one. Too bad the CD skipped over the time-machine part. I was looking forward to seeing it.
There will be a show every Tuesday night from now on, for anyone who feels like going to the movies and have a drink/cup of coffee (because coffee is not a drink)/a discussion and fun afterwards. Next one will be Little Miss Sunshine. Also a great movie, with a lot of unexpected things happening (I am so good with words). Then there will be Buffalo '66, and Rushmore, neither of which I have seen.

Oh yeah, some of you might (possibly, but I doubt it) be more interested in the fact that I bought a camera.
It sucks.
(I was going to put a sample picture here, but, as you will find out as you read further, that did not work out so well)
Or maybe I need to study the settings a bit more.
Or maybe it just sucks. Why do I have to install the thing again, only to transfer my photos to my computer?

I found my key and won't have to pay the 10,000 yen for a new one. Phew!

Hm... what's new, and interesting?
Tell me, dear devoted readers, what do you want to know about my overly exciting mountain life in the far East? I am blogging for you, but I need to know what you want to know, because for me, my life is not that interesting. I am on a week long break, but even then, I have homework to do.
Questions, anyone? Anyone?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing the pictures, of you especially. I want to hear about your friends, gossip about other students, nagging about the teachers, the weather, backstabbing the Japanese...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

japanese crazyness, your thoughts about this country at the opposite of our old europe, and a few gossips...would be nice....

Et si possible, quelques contes et autres histoires de la-bas, près du feu...

Thursday, November 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come the don't catagorize coffee as a drink :) Thats funny.

Saturday, December 15, 2007  

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