Location: Japan

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Favorite Books

My favorite books tend to be then ones I'm reading at the particular moment someone asks me. My profile states the Harry Potter series as my favorite books, only because I used to be a devote Harry Potter fan. I used to know everything about him. I knew the story in details, I knew what was going on in the internet community, what rumors were going around, etc. I have read the first three books too many times to count, and the fourth one twice. But after that one, my passion for the books began to falter. I wasn't even waiting for the last one. But I had to buy it though, to complete the collection, and to read it before I went to Japan. I still like the books, and I had to finish the series and all, but I don't think that I am going to read any of the books again anytime soon. And I don't know all the details anymore.
The next two titles stated in my profile is Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead. Those are also books from a series, kindof. These books are separate novels though, there is not one storyline that goes through all of them. But the main character is the same. And I brought with me to Japan, the third book of the series, called Xenocide. For some reason, when I did my profile, I didn't like that one as much as the other two so I didn't put it there. But, and it is a big but, that book is the kind of book that I have always wanted to write. :D :D :D :D I love it.
Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead are awesome books, but a friend borrowed them to me, so they're not in the house. I can't really tell what you would like and what you would not like, but there are some great ideas in those books. No harm in going to the library and try them out. In fact, you all should, all of you. I don't state these books as my favorite for nothing.
Then there's the Dark Tower series. I love them. I don't know if you would like them. I just know that there are many people who love them. If you want to go to the cellar and open up the book boxes, be my guest. But I think you would like the others better. Although, I really have no way of knowing.

All of you, try Ender's Game. Let me know what you think.

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Blogger Lára Magnúsardóttir said...

Það stendur í blaðinu í dag að höfundur Harry Potter hafi ljóstrað því upp að Dumbledore sé samkynhneigður. Undarlegt að halda áfram að segja sögur af fólki í bókum eftir að þeim er lokið.

Sunday, October 21, 2007  
Blogger Solveig said...

Já, ég var búin að frétta það. Mér finnst það frekar fyndið og skrýtið. Svona bakgrunnsupplýsingar sem skipta engu máli fyrir söguna. Það er enginn tilgangur með því að segja frá þessu annar en sá að skemmta fólki.

Sunday, October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég hef reyndar heyrt að hún sé enn að skrifa bækur um Harry Potter heiminn, bara um aðrar persónur. Væri gaman að vita hvernig það kemur út

Thursday, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skiptir mig littlu máli hvort Dumbledore sé samkynhneigður þar sem kynhvatir hans koma lítið fyrir í bókinni og þetta breytir engu.
Ég mæli síðan með seríunni "Temeraire" eftir Naomi Novic, töff dreka og ævintýraheimur ^^

Thursday, October 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Móðirin lifir ekki á brauði einu saman! Hið ritaða orð er nauðsynlegt.

Friday, October 26, 2007  

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