
Location: Japan

Monday, December 24, 2007

HELLO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS THE BEPPU SQUAD!!!(long live the dorks)
How have you al been doing? I bet you got more sleep than we did on a ferry. >_<
YES.. we traveled to O sake by fairy.
No wonder the floor was shaking the whole time!!
Tinkerbells tinkerbells tinker all the way!
omg, someone is still a little dizzy 8)
Must be from walking around in O sake.
Yeah, definitely. Thank Buddha, we are now in Today&!!!!
You:re welcome. Aum...
Yamete ne!
Today is KURISUMASU. (sounds like a polite verb)
And we still have one hour until they gonna feed us. *cries*
Wait... shouldn:t that be spelled: "Kuri shimasu"?
Whats "kuri"? is it from "furi kuri"?
I think it means chestnut. So that would make Christmas: I do chestnut!!!!
Aren:t we just nuts?
Hey! Speak for yourself! I am totally sane! ^^ Yes, Roberto-san?


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Presents

I got Christmas presents! (Can you say Yule presents?) First, two days ago, I got a package in my mail box, it came as a complete surprise, because I wasn't expecting anything. It made me so exited! It was from Vala ^^ and it had strict instructions not to open it until 18:00 on Christmas' Eve. Hehehe, I see you people don't trust me anymore, living in such a place like this :P ^^
Then, yesterday, I had something waiting for me in the mail box again. But this time, it was a slip of paper from the post office, telling me that they had tried to deliver a package to me earlier that day, but as I wasn't home, they took it back. On the paper, the following was the only information that I could read:
Addressee: Solveig,
Sender Kan Rahaii.
Ok, when I say I can read things, that does not mean I can understand them. Who the heck is Kan Rahaii?? Sounds Indian... It was written with letters that I understand, it was not in Japanese. But really, Kan Rahaii? I did wonder if it was supposed to be my dad's name, Kan being Karl, but how can you change Roth into Rahaii? Lower case th doesn't become haii just like that... Plus, as far as I knew, he hadn't sent me anything yet. So I was really curious!
The lady working at the security office at the time told me that I would have to call the post office and tell them when I would be home to receive the package. I think I must have made a face, because she then offered to do it for me, which I gladly accepted.
And today I was home when the phone rang, and a man's voice, introducing itself as the post office, told me that there was a package waiting for me downstairs.
So I ran downstairs.
And now I have more presents! I think I'm going to have to buy a Christmas tree for all these presents! :D
Btw, the wrapping was a bit torn, and I could see inside one of them! ^^
The funniest thing about getting presents from abroad is that everyone has to write what is in the parcel when they send it, and I can read it when I get it! Hehehe.
Aawww, no surprises at Christmas. :(

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Pictures - Finally Up!

Já biðin er nú loksins á enda!
I took pictures, put them on the internet, and hereby give you access to see them.
Don't expect anything extraordinary... I still don't really know my camera that well.
I went to the so called Monkey Mountain and then to Umitamago, or "Sea Egg", which is an aquarium, believe it or not. But you can't really take pictures of fish in aquarium. So I took videos. Sorry for all the lame still fish pictures, they were taken before I figured I could take videos. I deleted all the horribly bad ones, but there are still many bad ones. Deal with it. And enjoy.
Copy paste the following:

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pictures - Almost There

They should be up tomorrow. ...if I feel like finishing it tomorrow. But until then, you can enjoy this picture of my homework for the Quarter Break. Douzo:

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

I Can. Can You?

I learned how to say 'I can' in Japanese when I first studied the language in 2005. It turned out to be an experience that I will not easily forget.
I had to go through the whole thing again some weeks ago when we were studying 'dekiru', or 'to be able to', here at APU. Here's what happened both times:

Teacher: Lee-san, can you swim?
Lee: No.
Teacher and all the Westerners: EH? Really?
Teacher: Obunshu-san, can you sw...
Obunshu-san: No.
Teacher: Eh? Oh. Ming-san, can you...
Ming-san: No.
Teacher: Cheng-san, c...
Cheng-san: No.
Obunhin-san (who sits next to Cheng-san): No.
Teacher: EH? Everyone, can you not swim?
Chinese kids: No!

And as if that wasn't strange enough, the next step really did it. How was I supposed to answer that question?

Teacher: Solveig-san, can you swim?
Me, feeling weird at being the first to say that: Yeees.
Teacher: How far can you swim?
Me: ???!!!! Eh?
Teacher: How many meters can you swim, approximately?
Me, getting really nervous, because I really don't know the answer. What does she mean? How far can I swim before I can't do it anymore and drown? I usually give up because it's boring :P But really. When you swim, you take breathers. So here's what I said, thinking of "ég ætla að synda 500 metrana": I, I don't know... 500 maybe?
Teacher and Class: Eeh? Wow! That's amazing!
Me feeling really really weird becomes really glad that there are other Western people in the class that can swim too, most of them more than I do.

That is one of the weirdest classes I have had. And I got it twice!! I was prepared this time, but it was still strange and I felt weird.
Here's another question about 'dekiru', this time from the book we use:
まいにち じかん にほん ご
mai nichi san ji kan nihongo no benkyou wo suru koto ga dekimasu ka?
'Can you study Japanese for 3 hours every day?'
What is it really asking about?

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